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September 2011 LabNotes


John Valois, Longtime Specimen Collector and Naturalist, Honored at the Marine Biological Laboratory

In May long-time MBL family member Arthur Pardee attended the 50th anniversary celebration of the discovery of The Operon at Institut Pasteur in Paris. Art co-authored (with François Jacob and Jacques Monod) the seminal 1959 “PaJaMo Paper,” representing the culmination of findings that illuminated how gene expression could be controlled. Jacob and Monod won the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for their discoveries concerning genetic control of enzyme and virus synthesis.”

Corporation member Thoru Pederson received the Medal of the Charles University Medical School, Prague in May for "distinction in cell biology" and for "longstanding support of Czech science.”

The Cell Library website won the Readers' Choice award for best website from The Scientist. John Hufnagle was the lead web application designer and developer for The Cell: An Image Library (http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/). Ryan Schenk played a large role in site development.

The following members of the MBL community have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences:

John J. Eppig
Frontiers in Reproduction faculty: 2005, 2006, 2008

John E. Heuser
Neurobiology faculty: 1975-78, 1985, 1986, 1995, 1996, 2000-2003; BoP lecturer: 1997; Microbial Diversity faculty: 1984

Alexander D. Johnson
Embryology faculty: 1993-1996)

Susan K. McConnell
Fundamental Issues in Vision Research faculty: 1998

Carl F. Nathan
Biology of Parasitism faculty: 1982

Michel C. Nussenzweig
Physiology alum: 1975

Jisoon Ihm
Computational Neuroscience alum: 1989

Thank you to the 22 members of the 2011 MBL All Stars, who raised $11,551 in this year's Falmouth Road Race Numbers for Non-profits!