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Contact: Ann Woolford, (508) 289-7422, awoolford@mbl.edu

Birds of Prey Show with Marla Isaac at the MBL Club

WOODS HOLE, MA—Marla Isaac from New England Reptile and Raptor will bring her birds of prey show to the MBL Club, 100 Water Street in Woods Hole, on Wednesday, August 3 at 7 PM. During the show, Marla will illustrate the lives of these "aerial hunters" through a discussion of the natural history, biology, adaptations, habitats, poaching, and falconry. She will also discuss the management of these animals in the wild and how the laws and regulations protect them. The raptors that Marla will use to demonstrate in this exhibit will be a turkey vulture, a red tailed hawk, a red-shouldered hawk, an osprey, a barn owl, a barred owl, a falcon and a great horn owl. The event is part of the MBL Club’s Wednesday night family entertainment series. Admission for members is free. Non-member admission is $8 for adults and $5 for children. For more information on Isaac, visit www.nereptilebirdsofprey.com.

The MBL Club is offering its 92nd summer of programs and activities for the Woods Hole scientific and greater Cape Cod communities. Highlights from the 2011 calendar include Jeremy Korr’s popular folk singing every Tuesday night at 7:15 PM, yoga classes with Carmina, and kid’s yoga with Cynthia. Other weekly events include adult exercise classes, movies, and kid’s drama classes.

For a complete schedule of events and fees or to become a member, contact the MBL Communications office at 508-289-7623, mblclub@mbl.edu, or visit the MBL Club website at http://hermes.mbl.edu/mblclub.


The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) is dedicated to scientific discovery and improving the human condition through research and education in biology, biomedicine, and environmental science. Founded in 1888 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, the MBL is an independent, nonprofit corporation.