
For further information, contact the MBL Communications Office at (508) 289-7423 or e-mail us at comm@mbl.edu
For Immediate Release: February 23, 2010
Contact: Gina Hebert, (508) 289-7725; ghebert@mbl.edu
 Author To Discuss Bostons Controversial Big Dig Project at MBL Falmouth Forum Season Finale, March 5
MBL, WOODS HOLE, MAWhat cost more than the Panama Canal (even when adjusted for inflation), consumed more concrete than the Hoover Dam, but is green all over? Learn the good, bad, and ugly about the most expensive public works project in American historyBostons Big Dig highway construction projectfrom bestselling author Dan McNichol at his talk, The Big Dig or the Big Pig, on Friday, March 5 at 7:30 PM in the Marine Biological Laboratorys (MBL) Lillie Auditorium, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole. This is the final presentation of the Falmouth Forum 2009-2010 season, which is sponsored by the MBL Associates. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Dan McNichol has earned critical acclaim and international recognition for his books The Big Dig, The Roads That Built America, and Paving the Way: Asphalt in America. In 2008, the University of Pennsylvania Press published McNichols work in a book titled, A Legacy of Leadership which Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush have praised for its contribution to educating the nation on gubernatorial politics.
In 2003, the American Society of Civil Engineers named McNichol one of nations outstanding journalists. That same year, he was honored with the degree of Doctor of Engineering Technology from Wentworth Institute of Technology, which cited his publications and their outstanding contributions to the fields of engineering and construction. In 2008, McNichol received the prestigious Robert F. Boger Award for his work chronicling Minnesotas disastrous I-35W bridge collapse. His articles and work have appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and many other publications. He is also a regular correspondent to Roads & Bridges magazine.
McNichols television and radio credits include numerous appearances on The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, ABC World News Tonight, CBS News, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, The News Hour, National Public Radio, and others. He has also consulted for National Geographic and the BBC.
A buffet dinner is available before McNichols lecture at 6:00 p.m. in the Swope Center located near the auditorium. Dinner tickets are $25 and must be purchased in advance at either Eight Cousins Childrens Books, Main Street, Falmouth, or at the MBLs Communications Office in the Candle House in Woods Hole. Dinner seats are limited and tickets are only available until they sell out or until 5:00 on Tuesday, March 2. For more information, contact the MBL Communications Office at: (508) 289-7423 or comm@mbl.edu or visit http://hermes.mbl.edu/falmouthforum.
The MBL is a leading international, independent, nonprofit institution dedicated to discovery and to improving the human condition through creative research and education in the biological, biomedical and environmental sciences. Founded in 1888 as the Marine Biological Laboratory, the MBL is the oldest private marine laboratory in the Americas. For more information, visit www.MBL.edu.
The MBL Associates are a group of individuals and businesses that support the scientific mission of the MBL through their gifts to the Annual Fund. The Associates sponsor educational and research programs for the MBL and raise funds for special projects. In addition, they operate the MBL Associates Gift Shop, located on Water Street in Woods Hole, the profits from which support scientific fellowships.