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MBL Scientists to Present Results of Long-Term Ecological Research at National Science Foundation Meeting
WOODS HOLE, MA The importance of fungi in the Arctic nitrogen cycle, an acoustic tracking program to monitor striped bass movements in a Massachusetts estuary, and a new method of assessing carbon dioxide flux from a temperate Massachusetts forest are among the topics to be presented by MBL (Marine Biological Laboratory) Ecosystems Center scientists at the 6th Long-Term Ecological Research All-Scientists Meeting, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The conference will be held from September 20-24, 2006, in Estes Park, Colorado.
Much of the Ecosystems Centers research is focused at Long-Term Ecological (LTER) sites, established by NSF to support research on long-term ecological phenomena, specifically the Arctic LTER site at Toolik Lake in the foothills region of Alaskas North Slope, the Plum Island Ecosystem LTER site in northern Massachusetts, and the Harvard Forest LTER in central Massachusetts
Poster titles, presentation times, and MBL authors are listed below. To review all meeting abstracts, visit http://www.lternet.edu/asm/2006/posters/posters.php Note: authors with an (*) next to their name will be attending the meeting.
Media interested in covering the meeting are asked to register through the LTER network office at www.lternet.edu. Reporters interested in speaking with MBL scientists after the meeting may contact Gina Hebert at 508-289-7725 or ghebert@mbl.edu to set up an interview.
Session 1 - Wednesday, September 20 7-9 PM
Poster 10 - Arctic LTER: Predicting the future ecological characteristics of the Toolik Lake region
MBL Author(s): John Hobbie (*), Distinguished Scientist; Gaius Shaver (*), Senior Scientist; Bruce Peterson (*), Senior Scientist; Linda Deegan (*), Senior Scientist; Anne Giblin, Senior Scientist; Edward Rastetter, Senior Scientist; Joseph Vallino, Assistant Scientist
Poster 30 - Plum Island Ecosystems (PIE) LTER Research Program
MBL Author(s): Linda Deegan (*), Senior Scientist; Anne Giblin, Senior Scientist; John Hobbie (*), Distinguished Scientist; Bruce Peterson, Senior Scientist; Joseph Vallino, Assistant Scientist
Session 2 Thursday, September 21 8:30-11:00 PM
(Note: Odd numbered posters will present during the first hour and even-numbered posters will present during the second hour.).
Poster 98 - Spatially defining predator impacts on estuarine food webs: assessing striped bass movements via acoustic tracking in Plum Island Sound
MBL Author(s): Linda Deegan (*), Senior Scientist
Poster 151 - Meteorological forcing and the connectivity between the hypolimnion and euphotic zone in Arctic lakes
MBL Author(s): Anne Giblin, Senior Scientist
Session 4 - Saturday, September 23 7:00 = 11:00 PM
(Note: Odd numbered posters will present during the first hour and even-numbered posters will present during the second hour).
Poster 60 - Anaerobic ammonium oxidation in tidal marshes
MBL Author(s): Anne Giblin, Senior Scientist
Poster 65 - Nutrient removal and stream size in the Ipswich River network, Plum Island LTER
MBL Author(s): Chuck Hopkinson (*), Senior Scientist; Bruce Peterson, Senior Scientist
Poster 69 - Relationship between nitrate removal rates and dissolved organic carbon in streams
MBL Author(s): Chuck Hopkinson (*), Senior Scientist
Poster 78 - 15N, Mycorrhizal fungi, and mineralization measures
MBL Author(s): John Hobbie (*), Distinguished Scientist
Poster 87 - Controls on N accumulation and loss in arctic tundra ecosystems
MBL Author(s): Marselle Alexander-Ozinskas (*), Brown-MBL Graduate Student; Gaius Shaver (*), Senior Scientist; Anne Giblin, Senior Scientist; Jim Laundre, Research Assistant
Poster 117 - Reversible separation of root respiration from total soil respiration
MBL Author(s): Seeta Sistla (*), Brown-MBL Graduate Student; Jerry Melillo (*), Senior Scientist
The MBL is an international, independent, nonprofit institution dedicated to improving the human condition through creative research and education in the biological, biomedical and environmental sciences. Founded in 1888 as the Marine Biological Laboratory, the MBL is the oldest private marine laboratory in the Western Hemisphere. For more information or to join the MBL Associates, visit www.MBL.edu
The research of the MBL's Ecosystems Center, established in 1975, is focused on the study of natural ecosystems. Among the key environmental issues being addressed are: the ecological consequences of global climate change; tropical deforestation and its effects on greenhouse gas fluxes; nitrogen saturation of mid-latitude forests; and pollution and habitat destruction in coastal ecosystems of the United States.