Table 2: Key to Artificial Seawaters
Table 3: Artificial Seawater Recipes
III.  Artificial Seawaters


Artificial Seawaters (ASWs) are physiological solutions containing some or all of the major ions found in Natural Seawaters (NSWs; Table 1), usually in proportions based on NSW analyses. Some ASWs also contain quantitatively minor NSW ions, including "trace" components, and others have particular ions added or omitted for specific purposes. For example, the widely used "MBL" formula (ASW #1, Tables 2 and 3A) includes major ions in amounts comparable to Woods Hole NSW, with fluorides, bromides, and iodides replaced by chloride, strontium replaced by calcium, and borate omitted. In contrast, "Trace" MBL-ASW (ASW #6, Tables 2 and 3A) contains most of these components. Most ASWs are bicarbonate buffered, thus mimicking NSW; however, several ASW recipes include other buffers and pH variations (ASW #2, Tables 2, 3A; ASWs #12 - #15, Tables 2, 3B).

Additional information on characteristics and usage of specific ASWs is provided in the Notes section, and in Literature Cited.