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Spring 2011 LabNotes


October - December, 2010

Agogue H; Lamy D; Neal PR; Sogin ML; Herndl GJ. 2011. Water mass-specificity of bacterial communities in the North Atlantic revealed by massively parallel sequencing. Molecular Ecology. 20 (2): 258-274. 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04932.x

Allen, JJ; Mathger, LM; Buresch, KC; Fetchko, T; Gardner, M; Hanlon, RT . 2010. Night vision by cuttlefish enables changeable camouflage. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213 (23): 3953-3960. 10.1242/jeb.044750

Bosco, DA; Morfini, G; Karabacak, NM; Song, YY; Gros-Louis, F; Pasinelli, P; Goolsby, H; Fontaine, BA; Lemay, N; McKenna-Yasek, D; Frosch, MP; Agar, JN; Julien, JP; Brady, ST; Brown, RH . 2010. Wild-type and mutant SOD1 share an aberrant conformation and a common pathogenic pathway in ALS. Nature Geoscience. 13 (11) 1396–1403. 10.1038/nn.2660

Bowling, DR; Bethers-Marchetti, S; Lunch, CK; Grote, EE; Belnap, J . 2010. Carbon, water, and energy fluxes in a semiarid cold desert grassland during and following multiyear drought. Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences. 115: Art. No. G04026. 10.1029/2010JG001322

Buesseler, KO; McDonnell, AMP; Schofield, OME; Steinberg, DK; Ducklow, HW . 2010. High particle export over the continental shelf of the west Antarctic Peninsula. Geophysical Research Letters. 37: Art. No. L22606. 10.1029/2010GL045448

Gaebler-Schwarz, S; Davidson, A; Assmy, P; Chen, JX; Henjes, J; Nothig, EM; Lunau, M; Medlin, LK . 2010. A New Cell Stage in the Haploid-Diploid Life Cycle Of the Colony-Forming Haptophyte Phaeocystis Antarctica and its Ecological Implications. Journal of Phycology. 46 (5): 1006-1016. 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00875.x

Galford, GL; Melillo, JM; Kicklighter, DW; Cronin, TW; Cerri, CEP; Mustard, JF; Cerri, CC . 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions from alternative futures of deforestation and agricultural management in the southern Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107 (46): 19649-19654 . 10.1073/pnas.1000780107

Giblin, AE; Weston, NB; Banta, GT; Tucker, J; Hopkinson, CS . 2010. The Effects of Salinity on Nitrogen Losses from an Oligohaline Estuarine Sediment. Estuaries and Coasts. 33 (5): 1054-1068. 10.1007/s12237-010-9280-7

Heine, SA; Highstein, SM; Blazquez, PM . 2010. Golgi Cells Operate as State-Specific Temporal Filters at the Input Stage of the Cerebellar Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 30 (50): 17004-17014. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3513-10.2010

Howarth, RW . 2010. Celebrating 100 volumes. Biogeochemistry. 100 (1-3): 1-2. 10.1007/s10533-010-9513-7
Jaffe, LF . 2010. Fast calcium waves. Cell Calcium. 48 (2-3): 102-113. 10.1016/j.ceca.2010.08.007

Kamennaya NA; Post AF. 2011. Characterization of Cyanate Metabolism in Marine Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus spp.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77 (1): 291-301. 10.1128/AEM.01272-10

Ma LH; Gilland E; Bass AH; Baker R. 2010. Ancestry of motor innervation to pectoral fin and forelimb. Nature Communications. 1 (4) 1-8. 10.1038/ncomms1045

Mather ME; Finn JT; Pautzke SM; Fox D; Savoy T; Brundage HM; Deegan LA; Muth RM. 2010. Diversity in destinations, routes and timing of small adult and sub-adult striped bass Morone saxatilis on their southward autumn migration. Journal of Fish Biology. 77 (10): 2326-2337. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02811.x

McGuire, AD; Hayes, DJ; Kicklighter, DW; Manizza, M; Zhuang, Q; Chen, M; Follows, MJ; Gurney, KR; McClelland, JW; Melillo, JM; Peterson, BJ; Prinn, RG . 2010. An analysis of the carbon balance of the Arctic Basin from 1997 to 2006. Tellus Series B. 62 (5): 455-474. 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00497.x

Messerli, MA; Smith, PJS. 2010. Construction, Theory, and Practical Considerations for using Self-referencing of Ca2+-Selective Microelectrodes for Monitoring Extracellular Ca2+ Gradients. Methods in Cell Biology. 99: 91-111. 10.1016/B978-0-12-374841-6.00004-9

Mooney, TA; Hanlon, RT; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J; Madsen, PT; Ketten, DR; Nachtigall, PE . 2010. Sound detection by the longfin squid (Loligo pealeii) studied with auditory evoked potentials: sensitivity to low-frequency particle motion and not pressure. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213 (21): 3748-3759. 10.1242/jeb.048348

Morf, L; Spycher, C; Rehrauer, H; Fournier, CA; Morrison, HG; Hehl, AB. 2010. The transcriptional response to encystation stimuli in Giardia lamblia is restricted to a small set of genes. Eukaryotic Cell. 9 (10): 1566-1576. 10.1128/EC.00100-10

Parfrey, LW; Grant, J; Tekle, YI; Lasek-Nesselquist, E; Morrison, HG; Sogin, ML; Patterson, DJ; Katz, LA . 2010. Broadly Sampled Multigene Analyses Yield a Well-Resolved Eukaryotic Tree of Life. Systematic Biology. 59 (5): 518-533. 10.1093/sysbio/syq037

Patterson DJ; Cooper J; Kirk PM; Pyle RL; Remsen DP. 2010. Names are key to the big new biology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 25 (12): 686-691 . 10.1016/j.tree.2010.09.004

Patterson, DJ. 2010. Encyclopedia of Life. Information and communication technologies for biodiversity conservation and agriculture. Maurer, L, and Tochterman, K. eds.: 67-81 .

Patterson, DJ. 2010. Future Taxonomy. Systema Naturae 250 - The Linnaean Ark, Polaszek, A., ed.: 117-126.

Pilsk; SC; Person, MA; Deveer, JM; Furfey, JF; Kalfatovic. MR. 2010. The Biodiversity Heritage Library: Advancing Metadata Practices in a Collaborative Digital Library. Journal of Library Metadata. 10 (2/3): 136-155. 10.1080/19386389.2010.506400

Potter, JD; McDowell, WH; Merriam, JL; Peterson, BJ; Thomas, SM . 2010. Denitrification and total nitrate uptake in streams of a tropical landscape. Ecological Applications. 20 (8): 2104-2115. 10.1890/09-1110.1

Rocha, AV; Goulden, ML . 2010. Drought legacies influence the long-term carbon balance of a freshwater marsh. Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences. 115: Art. No. G00H02. 10.1029/2009JG001215

Rowan, MJM; Ripps, H; Shen, W . 2010. Fast glutamate uptake via EAAT2 shapes the cone-mediated light offset response in bipolar cells. Journal of Physiology London. 588 (20): 3943-3956. 10.1113/jphysiol.2010.191437

Sabine, CL; Ducklow, H; Hood, M . 2010. International Carbon Coordination: Roger Revelle’s Legacy in the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Oceanography. 23 (3): 48-61.

Xiao, J; Zhuang, Q; Law, BE; Baldocchi, DD; Chen, J; Richardson, AD; Melillo, JM; Davis, KJ; Hollinger, DY; Wharton, S; Oren, R; Noormets, A; Fischer, ML; Verma, SB; Cook, DR; Sun, G; McNulty, S; Wofsy, SC; Bolstad, PV; Burns, SP; Curtis, PS; Drake, BG; Falk, M; Foster, DR; Gu, L; Hadley, JL; Katul, GG; Litvak, M; Ma, S; Martin, TA; Matamala, R; Meyers, TP; Monson, RK; Munger, JW; Oechel, WC; Paw, UKT; Schmid, HP; Scott, RL; Starr, G; Suyker, AE; Torn, MS. 2011. Assessing net ecosystem carbon exchange of U.S. terrestrial ecosystems by integrating eddy covariance flux measurements and satellite observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151 (1): 60-69 . 10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.09.002

Yamashita, G; Miller, H; Goddard, A; Norton, C. 2010. A model for Bioinformatics training: the marine biological laboratory. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 11 (6): 610-615. 10.1093/bib/bbq029

York, JK; Tomasky, G; Valiela, I; Giblin, AE . 2010. Isotopic Approach to Determining the Fate of Ammonium Regenerated from Sediments in a Eutrophic Sub-estuary of Waquoit Bay, MA. Estuaries and Coasts. 33 (5): 1069-1079. 10.1007/s12237-010-9278-1

Zakon, HH; Jost, MC; Lu, Y . 2010. Expansion of voltage-dependent Na+ channel gene family in early tetrapods coincided with the emergence of terrestriality and increased brain complexity. Molecular Biology and Evolution. E-first . 10.1093/molbev/msq325

Zhao, LZ; Chen, CS; Vallino, J; Hopkinson, C; Beardsley, RC; Lin, HC; Lerczak, J . 2010. Wetland-estuarine-shelf interactions in the Plum Island Sound and Merrimack River in the Massachusetts coast. Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans. 115: Art. No. C10039. 10.1029/2009JC006085