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April 2007 LabNotes

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Barbosa A; Mathger LM; Chubb C; Florio C; Chiao CC; Hanlon RT. 2007. Disruptive coloration in cuttlefish: a visual perception mechanism that regulates ontogenetic adjustment of skin patterning. Journal of Experimental Biology 210 (Pt 7): 1139-1147.

Barrett, SL; Albertini, DF. 2007. Allocation of gamma-tubulin between oocyte cortex and meiotic spindle. Biology of Reproduction E-first. 10.1095/biolreprod.106.057141

Canepari, M; Djurisic, M; Zecevic, D. 2007. Dendritic signals from rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons during coincident pre- and post-synaptic activity: A combined voltage- and calcium-imaging study. Journal of Physiology London E-first. 10.1113/jphysiol.2006.125005

Cerri, CEP; Sparovek, G; Bernoux, M; Easterling, WE; Melillo, JM; Cerri, CC. 2007. Tropical agriculture and global warming: Impacts and mitigation options. Scientia Agricola 64(1): 83-99.

Cliffe, LJ; Potten, CS; Booth, CE; Grencis, RK. 2007. An increase in epithelial cell apoptosis is associated with chronic intestinal nematode infection. Infection and Immunity E-First. 10.1128/IAI.01375-06

Da Silva, N; Shum, WWC; El-Annan, J; Paunescu, TG; McKee, M; Smith, PJS; Brown, D; Breton, S. 2007. Relocalization of the V-ATPase B2 subunit to the apical membrane of epididymal clear cells of mice deficient in the B1 subunit. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology E-first. 10.1152/ajpcell.00596.2006

Ford, SE; Smolowitz, R. 2007. Infection dynamics of an oyster parasite in its newly expanded range. Marine Biology 151(1): 119-133.

Garner, EC; Campbell, CS; Weibel, DB; Mullins, RD. 2007. Reconstitution of DNA segregation driven by assembly of a prokaryotic actin homolog. Science 315 (5816): 1270-1274.

Gasparini, S; Losonczy, A; Chen, X; Johnston, D; Magee, JC. 2007. Associative pairing enhances action potential back-propagation in radial oblique branches of CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Physiology London. E-first. 10.1113/jphysiol.2006.121343

Gray, JP; Heck, DE; Mishin, V; Smith, PJS; Hong, JY; Thiruchelvam, M; Cory-Slechta, DA; Laskin, DL; Laskin, JD. 2007. Paraquat increases cyanide-insensitive respiration in murine lung. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282(11): 7939-7949.

Hanlon RT, Naud MJ, Forsythe JW, Hall K, Watson AC, McKechnie J. 2007. Adaptable night camouflage by cuttlefish. Am Nat. 169(4): 543-51.

Heart, E; Smith, PJS. 2007. Rhythm of the {beta}-cell oscillator is not governed by a single regulator: Multiple systems contribute to oscillatory behavior. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism E-first. 10.1152/ajpendo.00648.2006

Hodgins-Davis, A; Roberts, S; Cowan, DF; Atema, J; Bennie, M; Avolio, C; Defaveri, J; Gerlach, G. 2007. Characterization of SSRs from the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Molecular Ecology Notes 7(2): 330-332.

Huang, SL; Sholkovitz, ER; Conte, MH. 2007. Application of high-temperature fusion for analysis of major and trace elements in marine sediment trap samples. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 5: 13-22.

Hugler, M; Huber, H; Molyneaux, SJ; Vetriani, C; Sievert, SM. 2007. Autotrophic CO2 fixation via the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle in different lineages within the phylum Aquificae: Evidence for two ways of citrate cleavage. Environmental Microbiology 9(1): 81-92.

Jaffe LF. 2007. Stretch-activated calcium channels relay fast calcium waves propagated by calcium-induced calcium influx. Biology of the Cell 99(3): 175-184.

Janicke, MA; Lasko, L; Oldenbourg, R; LaFountain, JR. 2007. Chromosome malorientations following Meiosis-II arrest cause nondisjunction. Molecular Biology of the Cell E-first. 10.1091/mbc.E06-10-0963

Lauwaet, T; Davids, BJ; Torres-Escobar, A; Birkeland, SR; Cipriano, MJ; Preheim, SP; Palm, D; Svard, SG; McArthur, AG; Gillin, FD. 2007. Protein phosphatase 2A plays a crucial role in Giardia lamblia differentiation. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 152(1): 80-89.

Leary, PR; Remsen, DP; Norton, CN; Patterson, DJ; Sarkar, IN. 2007. uBioRSS: Tracking taxonomic literature using RSS. Bioinformatics E-first. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm109

Lo, N; Paraskevopoulos, C; Bourtzis, K; O'Neill, SL; Werren, JH; Bordenstein, SR; Bandi, C. 2007. Taxonomic status of the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia pipientis. Int J Systematics Evol Microbiol 57: 654-657.

Mathger, LM; Litherland, L; Fritsches, KA. 2007. An anatomical study of the visual capabilities of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas. Copeia 2007(1): 169-179.

Mongiu, AK: Weitzke, EL; Chaga, OY; Borisy, GG. 2007. Kinetic-structural analysis of neuronal growth cone veil motility. J Cell Sci 120: 1113-1125.

Morfini, G; Pigino, G; Opalach, K; Serulle, Y; Moreira, JE; Sugimori, M; Llinas, RR; Brady, ST. 2007. 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium affects fast axonal transport by activation of caspase and protein kinase C. PNAS 104(7): 2442-2447.

Muttray AF; Cox RL; Reinisch CL; Baldwin SA. 2007. Identification of DeltaN isoform and polyadenylation site choice variants in molluscan p63/p73-like homologues. Marine Biotechnology E-first. 10.1007/s10126-006-6045-1

Ochsenreiter T; Cipriano M; Hajduk SL. 2007. KISS: The kinetoplastid RNA editing sequence search tool. RNA 13(1): 1-4.

Oshima, K; Grimm, CM; Corrales, CE; Senn, P; Moneder, RM; Geleoc, GSG; Edge, A; Holt, JR; Heller, S. 2007. Differential distribution of stem cells in the auditory and vestibular organs of the inner ear. JARO 8(1): 18-31.

Riley M. 2007. Searchlight on domains. Structure 15 (1): 1-2.

Rodgers, BD; Roalson, EH; Weber, GM; Roberts, SB; Goetz, FW. 2007. A proposed nomenclature consensus for the myostatin gene family. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 292(2): E371-E372.

Sanogo, Y0; Dobson, SL; Bordenstein, SR; Novak, RJ. 2007. Disruption of the Wolbachia surface protein gene wspB by a transposable element in mosquitoes of the Culex pipiens complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Insect Mol Biol 16(2): 143-154.

Serulle, Y; Morfini, G; Pigino, G; Moreira, JE; Sugimori, M; Brady, ST; Llinas, RR. 2007. 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium induces synaptic dysfunction through a pathway involving caspase and PKC-X enzymatic activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(7): 2437-2441.

Serulle, Y; Sugimori, M; Llinas, RR. 2007. Imaging synaptosomal calcium concentration microdomains and vesicle fusion by using total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(5): 1697-1702.

Shiflett AM; Faulkner SD; Cotlin LF; Widener J; Stephens N; Hajduk SL. 2007. African trypanosomes: Intracellular trafficking of host defense molecules. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 54(1): 18-21.

Street, LE; Shaver, GR; Williams, M; Van Wijk, MT. 2007. What is the relationship between changes in canopy leaf area and changes in photosynthetic CO2 flux in arctic ecosystems? J Ecol 95(1): 139-150.

Yu, Z; Genest, P-A; ter Riet, B; Sweeney, K; DiPaolo, C; Kieft, R; Christodoulou, E; Perrakis, A; Simmons, JM; Hausinger, RP: van Luenen, HGAM: Rigden, DJ: Sabatini, R: Borst, P. 2007. The protein that binds to DNA base J in trypanosomatids has features of a thymidine hydroxylase. Nucleic Acids Research E-first. 10.1093/nar/gkm049

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