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Gifts & Grants
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awarded a grant in the amount of $1,210,000 to support the continuing management and implementation of the microbial component of the Census of Marine Life. A grant was also authorized in the amount of $1,202,460 to develop a novel combinatorial technology for imaging and distinguishing between members of a microbial community. The Foundation also awarded a grant in the amount of $235,000 for the project “Encyclopedia of Life”an on-line encyclopedia with a web page for every species.
John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc. renewed support in the amount of $60,961 for Dr. Lionel Jaffe’s research project entitled “Reinvestigation of the Thallus Effect.”
Howard Hughes Medical Institute awarded $30,000 in support of the 2007 Science Journalism Program.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund awarded a grant in the amount of $23,000 for a new two week short course titled Biology of the Inner Ear: Experimental and Analytical Approaches.
World Precision Instruments, Inc. donated equipment to the course Neural Systems and Behavior for a total value of $21,000.
The National Institutes of Health awarded:
- $26,500 for “Pathogenesis of Neuroimmunologic Disease” course. Lenny Dawidowicz is the principal investigator.
- $432,201 (Year 4) for “Molecular Evolution of Eukaryotes: A protistan emphasis.” Mitch Sogin is the principal investigator.
- $54,000 (Year 1 of continuing grant) for the “Neural Development and Genetics of Zebrafish” course. Lenny Dawidowicz is the principal investigator.
- $965,536 (Year 3) for the BioCurrents Research Center. Peter Smith is the principal investigator.
- $325,890 (Year 1 of new award) for “Orientation independent DIC and polarization microscopy.” Michael Shribak is the principal investigator.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded:
- $48,741 (Year 3) to fund the Training Facility/Center for Recurring Training of Fisheries Observers. David Potter is the principal investigator.
- $69,113 (new subaward from University of Rhode Island) for a project titled “The spread of lobster shell disease: genetic and social barriers.” Gabriele Gerlach is the principal investigator.
- $36,619 (new subaward from University of Rhode Island) for a project titled “Microbiology of Shell Disease: Environmental Sources and Diversity.” Roxanne Smolowitz is the principal investigator.
The National Science Foundation awarded:
- $147,746 for a project titled “Time Series Particle Flux Measurement in the Sargasso Sea.” Maureen Conte is the principal investigator.
- $37,791 (new award) for the UBio Cataloging Service. David Patterson is the principal investigator.
- $18,998 (Year 3) for a project titled “Microbial Observatory in the Cariaco Basin Dynamics of protistan diversity across time, space and chemical gradients.” David Patterson is the principal investigator.
- $91,480 (Year 1 of new subaward from Harvard University) for the Harvard Forest LTER Program. Jerry Melillo is the principal investigator.
- $395,656 (Year 1 of new award) for a project titled “IPY: Collaborative Research on Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance of the Arctic Landscape at Flagship Observatories and in a PanArctic Network.” Gaius Shaver is the principal investigator.
The U.S. Geological Survey awarded $60,540 (Year 5) for the USGS/MBL Cooperative Agreement. Cathy Norton is the principal investigator.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture awarded $70,745 (new subaward from University of Maine) for a project titled “Cross-breeding and Field Trials of Disease-resistant Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea viginica.” Scott Lindell is the principal investigator.
The University of Krankenhaus Eppendorf awarded $35,000 for a project titled “NF Cure Japan.” Shanta Messerli is the principal investigator.
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