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Alliegro, MC; Alliegro, MA; Palazzo, RE. 2006. Centrosome-associated RNA in surf clam oocytes. PNAS 103 (24):9034-9038.
Bearer, EL. 2006. Dart Symposium on Learning and Memory. Biological Bulletin 210(3):334.
Bridges, Jane; Miller, Christian J; Kipnis, Daniel G; Dee, Cheryl R; Markwell, Linda Garr; Bandy, Margaret. 2006. Librarians in the Woods Hole Biomedical Informatics Course. Medical Reference Service Quarterly 25(1):71-81.
Cerri, CEP; Piccolo, MC; Feigl, BJ; Paustian, K; Cerri, CC; Victoria, RL; Melillo, JM. 2006. Interrelationships among soil total C and N, microbial biomass, trace gas fluxes, and internal N-cycling in soils under pasture of the Amazon region. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 27(4):45-69.
Chan, ASK; Steudler, PA. 2006. Carbon monoxide uptake kinetics in unamended and long-term nitrogen-amended temperate forest soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 57(3):343-354.
Clemmensen, KE; Michelsen, A; Jonasson, S; Shaver, GR. 2006. Increased ectomycorrhizal fungal abundance after long-term fertilization and warming of two arctic tundra ecosystems. New Phytologist 171(2):391-404.
Faulkner SD; Oli MW; Kieft R; Cotlin L; Widener J; Shiflett A; Cipriano MJ; Pacocha SE; Birkeland SR; Hajduk SL; McArthur AG. 2006. In vitro generation of human high-density-lipoprotein-resistant Trypanosoma brucei brucei. Eukaryotic Cell 5(8):1276-1286.
Gast RJ; Cushman E; Moran DM; Uhlinger KR; Leavitt D; Smolowitz R. 2006. DGGE-based detection method for Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 70(1-2):115-122.
Glanzman, DL. 2006. The cellular mechanisms of learning in Aplysia: Of blind men and elephants. Biological Bulletin 210(3):271-279.
Grubich, JR; Westneat, MW. 2006. Four-bar linkage modelling in teleost pharyngeal jaws: Computer simulations of bite kinetics. Journal of Anatomy 209(1):79-92.
Hajduk SL. 2006. Microbiology. Timing the sexual development of parasites. Science 313 (5787):626-627.
Harris, LA; Duarte, CM; Nixon, SW. 2006. Allornetric laws and prediction in estuarine and coastal ecology. Estuaries and Coasts 29(2):340-344.
Hobara, S; McCalley, C; Koba, K; Giblin, AE; Weiss, MS; Gettel, GM; Shaver, GR. 2006. Nitrogen fixation in surface soils and vegetation in an arctic tundra watershed: A key source of atmospheric nitrogen. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 38(3):363-372.
Inoué S. 2006. In memory of Hidemi Sato. Biology of the Cell 98(10):e1-e2.
Jaffe, L. 2006. The discovery of calcium waves. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 17(2):229-229.
Jeziorski, MC; Greenberg, RM. 2006. Voltage-gated calcium channel subunits from platyhelminths: Potential role in praziquantel action. International Journal for Parasitology 36(6):625-632.
Josephson, RK. 2006. Theodore Holmes Bullock (1915-2005). Biological Bulletin 210(3):169-170.
Kubota, A; Iwata, H; Goldstone, HMH; Kim, EY; Stegeman, JJ; Tanabe, S. 2006. Cytochrome P450 1A4 and 1A5 in common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo): Evolutionary relationships and functional implications associated with dioxin and related compounds. Toxicological Sciences 92(2):394-408.
Lucero A; Stack C; Bresnick AR; Shuster CB. 2006. A global, MLCK-dependent increase in myosin II contractility accompanies the metaphase-anaphase transition in sea urchin eggs. Molecular Biology of the Cell 17(9):4093-4104.
Magidson, V; Chang, F; Khodjakov, A. 2006. Regulation of cytokinesis by spindle-pole bodies. Nature Cell Biology 8(8):891-893.
Messerli SM; Morgan W; Birkeland SR; Bernier J; Cipriano MJ; McArthur AG; Greenberg RM. 2006. Nitric oxide-dependent changes in Schistosoma mansoni gene expression. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology E-first 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2006.08.003
Mohan, JE; Ziska, LH; Schlesinger, WH; Thomas, RB; Sicher, RC; George, K; Clark, JS. 2006. Biomass and toxicity responses of poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) to elevated atmospheric CO2. PNAS 103(24):9086-9089.
Morrall, DD; Christman, SC; Peterson, BJ; Wolheim, WM; Belanger, SE. 2006. Utility of stable isotopes (C-13 and N-15) to demonstrate comparability between natural and experimental streams for environmental risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 65(1):22-35.
Murray, S; Hoppenrath, M; Preisfeld, A; Larsen, J; Yoshimatsu, S; Toriumi, S; Patterson, DJ. 2006. Phylogenetics of Rhinodinium broomeense gen. et sp nov., a peridinioid, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 42(4):934-942.
Neill, C; Deegan, LA; Thomas, SM; Haupert, CL; Krusche, AV; Ballester, VM; Victoria, RL. 2006. Deforestation alters the hydraulic and biogeochemical characteristics of small lowland Amazonian streams. Hydrological Processes 20(12):2563-2580.
Neill, C; Elsenbeer, H; Krusche, AV; Lehmann, J; Markewitz, D; Figueiredo, RD. 2006. Hydrological and biogeochemical processes in a changing Amazon: Results from small watershed studies and the large-scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment. Hydrological Processes 20(12):2467-2476.
Novak, AE; Jost, MC; Lu, Y; Taylor, AD; Zakon, HH; Ribera, AB. 2006. Gene duplications and evolution of vertebrate voltage-gated sodium channels. Journal of Molecular Evolution 63(2):208-221.
Peterson BJ; McClelland J; Curry R; Holmes RM; Walsh JE; Aagaard K. 2006. Trajectory shifts in the Arctic and subarctic freshwater cycle. Science 313(5790):1061-1066.
Sogin ML; Morrison HG; Huber JA; Welch DM; Huse SM; Neal PR; Arrieta JM; Herndl GJ. 2006. Microbial diversity in the deep sea and the underexplored. PNAS 103(32):12115-12120.
Strunker T; Weyand I; Bonigk W; Van Q; Loogen A; Brown JE; Kashikar N; Hagen V; Krause E; Kaupp UB. 2006. A K(+)-selective cGMP-gated ion channel controls chemosensation of sperm. Nature Cell Biology E-first. 10.1038/ncb1473