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Fall 2005, Vol. 1, No. 4 | Back Issues
MBL Activities Committee News
The MBL Activities Committee has branched out, and several new activities are planned in the coming months. If anyone in the MBL community would like to organize these activities, please contact one of the members for details.
After a very successful MBL Treasure Hunt in September, a second event is planned for late May, 2006. The exact date has not been determined. Over the winter, save your treasures that are in really great shape but no longer special to you. Participating in the Treasure Hunt is a good way to recycle and to see that your items go to a good home. Its really true that one persons cast offs are another persons treasures.
A Holiday Bazaar took place on Wednesday, November 16th. Staff members and others exhibited and sold their wares to the MBL Community. All crafters were asked to make a donation to a charity. The event was well-attended by the Café Swope lunch crowd as well as a handful of local shoppers. The subcommittee for this activity included: Susan Goux, Suzanne Donovan, Kristine Johnson, Deb Grasso, Beth Liles, and Bill Villineau.
An MBL Potluck is planned for noon on January 11th and a special Valentines Day event is planned for February 14th at teatime. More information on these events will follow. The subcommittee is: Katherine Hashizume, Chair, Kelly Holzworth, Suzanne Donovan, Homer Lane, Becky Mountford, Carmen Houser, and Susan Goux.
Members of the MBL Activities Committee:
Suzanne Donovan
Andrea Early
Susan Goux
Deb Grasso
Grant Harris
Katherine Hashizume
Kelly Holzworth
Carmen Houser
Lisa Hunt
Kristine Johnson
Homer Lane
Beth Liles
Brendan McCann
Becky Mountford
Nancy Roderick
Melanie Scanlan
Debbie Scanlon
April Shiflett
Nancy Stafford
Justin Widener |
A Charity/Volunteer subcommittee has been formed. To spark discussion and better educate the MBL community about various charities and their needs on Cape Cod, a fair is being organized in early March. As the date draws closer, the subcommittee will be promoting the event to the community. The subcommittee members are: Beth Liles, Chair, Debbie Scanlan, Kelly Holzworth, Andrea Early, Nancy Stafford, and Sue Donovan.
Watch for more information on a Wellness Program that will be launched this winter. If there are activities you would like to see as part of this program, please contact Carmen Houser. The Walking Club has Woods Hole walking maps posted on the Human Resources portion of the MBL Website under Staff Activities. If you have a suggestion for a winter walking tour, especially an indoor one, please contact Carmen at <humanres@mbl.edu>.
The New Collecting Net is an employee newsletter published by the Communications Office. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Call (508) 289-7423 or e-mail us at