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2008 SES Student Research Symposium

December 12, 2008
MBL Lillie Auditorium

Click here for a printable version of this schedule (pdf format)

Time: Speaker and Topic:

8:20 AM Welcoming remarks

8:30 AM Laura Poppick, Bates College - Effects of soil texture on microclimate and vegetation in spring sapping valleys of Martha's Vineyard

8:45 AM Paliza Shrestha, Mount Holyoke College - Soil respiration and nitrogen mineralization in response to nitrogen and sawdust addition in a Massachusetts grassland

9:00 AM Jessica Lambert, SUNY-ESF - The effect of coastal plain pond sediment moisture on nutrient availability of Isreal Pond, MA

9:15 AM Wayne Daniel, Dillard University - Can groundwater inputs to coastal ponds be traced by _15N?

9:30 AM Amy Markstein, Colorado College - Nitrogen uptake in a discontinued cranberry bog

9:45 AM Nick Peng, Connecticut College - Would restoration of Coonamesset River enhance its capability of nitrogen removal?

10:00 AM Ian McPherson, Lawrence University – Sedimentation, pelagic and benthic responses to flow through pier structure

10:15 AM
Coffee Break

10:45 AM Tim Ramnarine, Dillard University - Observing the effects of nitrogen enrichment on herbivory of salt marsh plant communities of the Plum Island Sound creeks in Massachusetts

11:00 AM Stefanie Strebel, Franklin & Marshall College - Effects of nitrogen loading on the structural and functional stability of the Plum Island Sound salt marsh ecosystem

11:15 AM Jessica Kunke, Northwestern University - The fate of nitrate entering NITREXTM permeable reactive barriers

11:30 AM Jessica Bonsall, Lawrence University - Wood decomposition, N-immobilization and the potential lifetime of permeable reactive barriers in coastal estuaries

11:45 AM Andrea Coughlin, Wellesley College - Response of estuarine phytoplankton and water column microbes to groundwater inputs down-gradient from a NITREXTM permeable reactive barrier

12:00 Noon Rob Gordon, Lafayette College - The effects of nitrogen fertilization on sulfur cycling and microbial communities in marsh sediments

Sarah Gillig, Wesleyan University - Nanosilver and its effects on freshwater microbial communities
12:15 PM

There will be a celebratory luncheon and awards ceremony after the symposium.


SES Student Research Symposium Archives: 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010