Mary Jane Hogue (1883 - 1962)
An eminent biologist noted for her research in human nerve cells, Mary Jane Hogue began her career in science at the Woman's College of Baltimore City, now known as Goucher College, where she majored in Zoology. An outstanding student, she was a Founders Scholar at Bryn Mawr College. Following her studies there, she was awarded Goucher's Van Meter Fellowship for foreign study. She was a student of the great German biologist, Theodor Boveri, at the University of Würzburg and earned her Ph.D. from that institution in 1909. Hogue was one of the few women of her time to have achieved this honor.
The years following were devoted to further scientific studies at Columbia University and to a career of teaching and research at the Carnegie Institution of Washington (Department of Embryology), at Pennsylvania College for Women, Mount Holyoke, Wellesley, Johns Hopkins, the North Carolina College for Women, and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, where she taught Anatomy. In 1952, in recognition of her many years of service, the University of Pennsylvania Medical School named her Emeritus Associate Professor of Anatomy.
Her many years of association with the Marine Biological Laboratory began in 1912, when, as an Investigator from Mount Holyoke, she studied protozoan infestation in oyster beds. She was an Independent Investigator in 1935 and was also a member of the MBL Corporation.
Her scientific studies covered a wide range and included her investigations on embryonic cell differentiation, research on cancer, and studies on the neurological damage caused by the polio virus.
Partial Bibliography
Boveri, Theodor and M.J. Hogue. Über die Möglichkeit, Ascaris-Eier zur Teilung in zwei gleichwertige Blastomeren zu veranlassen. Phy-Med Gesellschaft zu Würzburg, Band 29, 1909.
Tennent, D.H. and M. J. Hogue. "Studies on the development of the starfish egg." Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol. III, No. 4, 1906.
Hogue, M. J. "The effect of hypotonic and hypertonic solutions on fibroblasts of the embryonic chick heart in vitro." Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. XXX, No. 6, December 1, 1919.
Hogue, M. J. "Studies on the life history of Vahlkampfia Patuxent N, SP., parasitic in the oyster, with experiments regarding its pathogenicity." American Journal of Hygiene, Vol. I, No., 3, May, 1921.
Hogue, M. J. "The reaction of tissue-culture cells to barium (x-ray) sulfate." Anat. Rec., Vol. 54, No. 3, November, 1932.
Hogue, M. J. "A method for preventing moisture condensation during photography of tissue cultures in hanging drops." Science, Vol. 110, No. 2851, August, 1949.
Hogue, M. J. and A. Rubin. "Studies on the solid form of mouse sarcoma 37 grown in tissue culture." Cancer Research, Vol. 15, No. 7, August, 1955.
Hogue, M. J., R. McAllister, A. E. Greene, and L. L. Coriell. "The effect of poliomyelitis virus on human brain cells in tissue culture." Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 102, No. 1, July 1, 1955.