April 2004, Vol. 13, No. 4 | Return to Table of Contents
William Townsend Porter Foundation renewed their grant of $12,000 to support student scientists from minority backgrounds through the Porter Fellowship/Scholarship program.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine contributed $10,000 for awards given to ASRM fellows taking part in the course Frontiers in Reproduction last summer.
The Irving Weinstein Foundation, Inc. contributed $10,000 in support of the endowed fund for the Science Journalism Program.
USDA awarded $124,612 (over two years; subawarding institution: Northeastern Regional Aquaculture) for "Development of diagnostic and management techniques to select cod broodstocks and hatchery stocks free from nodavirus." Steven Roberts and Scott Lindell are the lead investigators.
EPA awarded $96,598 (subawarding institution: University of South Carolina) for "Coastal Wetland Indicators." Charles Hopkinson is the principal investigator.
National Library of Medicine awarded $285,514 for "Professional Services in Support of NLM's Outreach Efforts to Encourage the Use of Computers and Information Science in Medicine."
Cathy Norton is the principal investigator.
NIH awarded $229,329 for "Logistical and Technical Support for NINDS at the Marine Biological Laboratory." Thomas Reese is the principal investigator.
NSF awarded $12,000 (Research Experience for Undergraduates [REU] Supplement) for "Trophic Cascades and Interacting Control Processes in a Detritus-based Aquatic Ecosystem." Linda Deegan, Bruce Peterson, Joseph Vallino, Charles Hopkinson, and John Hobbie are the lead investigators.
NASA awarded $12,033 (over three years) for "Earth's Earliest Ecosystems in the Classroom: The Use of Microbial Mats to Illustrate and Demonstrate General Principles of Scientific Inquiry and Microbial Ecology." David Patterson is the principal investigator.