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November 2003, Vol. 12, No. 6 | Return to Table of Contents

Science News

From the Laboratory of Aquatic Biomedicine…


Cox et al., 2003 Gene 320 (49-58)

From the Bay Paul Center…

The Woods Hole Workshop on Annotation of Escherichia coli K-12 2003 was held November 14-18 under the auspices of the Bay Paul Center. Fourteen scientists from Japan, Europe, and the USA came together to participate in coordinating their work related to the E. coli genome as a whole. This was an historic occasion in that each of the groups have been working independently for many years. The scientists have for many years been assembling knowledge on the DNA sequences, the gene boundaries or the identity of the gene products of the genome of E. coli K-12. The object of coordinating the separate but parallel data collections, much of it as yet unpublished, was to benefit not only the community of scientists focused on E. coli itself, but to benefit the genomics community as a whole.

Participants worked intensively for four and a half days. Their efforts produced pooled information that was agreed upon to be reliable for about 25% ofE. coli genes, their sequences, gene borders and the identification of gene products. They agreed to continue to work in coming weeks in small groups with close electronic communication, periodically sharing their results with all workshop participants for inspection and correction. The intensively reviewed and coordinated data will be submitted to GenBank in early 2004, and made available on the Internet for public access.


McArthur, A.G. & M.G. Harasewych. 2003. Molecular systematics and the major lineages of the Gastropoda. In Molecular systematics and phylogeography of mollusks. C. Lydeard & D. Lindberg, eds. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., pp 140-160.

Herbeck, Joshua T., Daniel J. Funk, Patrick H. Degnan, and Jennifer J. Wernegreen. A conservative test of genetic drift in the endosymbiotic bacterium Buchnera: Slightly deleterious mutations in the chaperonin groEL. Genetics 165 (4) (in press).

From Marine Resources Center…

The Marine Resources Center welcomes Bill Geise as a new animal care volunteer. Bill, an Americorps member, is a retired engineer who formerly worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Martha Delaney has joined the lab of Gabriele Gerlach as a Research Assistant. Martha, who began as an intern at Marine Resources, formerly held the position of Animal Care Assistant.


Roberts, S.B., and F. W. Goetz. 2003. Myostatin protein and mRNA transcript levels in adult and developing brook trout. Mol. Cell Endocrinol. 210 (1-2):9-20.

New Marine Resources Office Assignments:

Gabriel Gerlach, 311
Rick Goetz, 312
Scott Lindell, 315
Bill Mebane/ Ed Enos, 316
Roger Hanlon, 215/216