Summer 2003, Vol. 12, No. 5 | Return to Table of Contents
Recent Gifts and Grants
The Dart Foundation has contributed $64,200 to support Dart Fellowships in Learning and Memory for summer, 2003. Three researchers will receive awards in this first year.
The American Society for Cell Biology provided a grant of $22,913 to support minority students attending the advanced summer courses for 2002 and 2003.
Department of Energy (DOE) awarded $30,000 for Investigations into the Metabolic Diversity of Microorganisms as Part of Microbial Diversity. Caroline Harwood is the principal investigator.
The Grass Foundation has renewed a grant for $45,000 to support the Neural Development and Genetics of Zebrafish Course for the years 2003 through 2005.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded the
following grants:
$1,743,750 (over five years); $348,750 (first year) for Trypanosome Lysis by Human Haptoglobin Related Protein. Stephen Hajduk is the principal investigator.
$235,229 (over three years) for Characterization of the Giardia lamblia Transcriptome. Andrew McArthur is the principal investigator.
$189,943 (over two years) for Logistical and Technical Support for NINDS at the Marine Biological Laboratory. Thomas Reese is the principal investigator.
National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded the
following grants:
$52,000 for LTER: Plum Island Sound Comparative Ecosystem Study (PISCES): Effects of Changing Land Cover, Climate and Sea Level on Estuarine Trophic Dynamics. Charles Hopkinson, John Hobbie, Bruce Peterson, Anne Giblin, Linda Deegan, and Joseph Vallino (REU Program) are the principal investigators.
$52,000 for The Arctic LTER Project: The Future Characteristics of Arctic Communities, Ecosystems, and Landscapes. John Hobbie, Bruce Peterson, and Gaius Shaver (REU Program) are the principal investigators.
$24,724 for Aquatic Ecosystem Responses to Changes in the Environment of an Arctic Drainage Basin. John Hobbie, Bruce Peterson, Anne Giblin, Linda Deegan, and Joseph Vallino (REU Program/Science Journalism Program) are the principal investigators.
$6,700 for Primary Production in Arctic Ecosystems: Interacting Mechanisms of Response to Climate Change. Gaius Shaver (REU Program) is the principal investigator.
$6,000 for Turnover and Retention of Nitrogen in an Artic Watershed: Links to Organic Matter Accumulation and Response to Climate. Gaius Shaver, Anne Giblin, and Edward Rastetter (REU Program) are the prinicipal investigators.
NASA awarded the following grants:
$197,916 (over three years); $62,781 (first year) for Workshop on Molecular Evolution. Michael Cummings is the principal investigator.
$92,469 (over three years) for The NASA Planetary Biology Internship Program. Lynn Margulis is the principal investigator.
$47,694 (over three years) for Workshop in Molecular Evolution. Michael Cummings is the principal investigator.