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Spring 2006, Vol. 2, No. 1 | Index

Lillie building
MBL Facilities Update

Lillie Renovation Planned as Library Expands to Technology Park

Plans are underway to renovate the section of the third floor of the Lillie building that houses the MBLWHOI Library’s book collection. The project, which will begin in early April and end in September, will convert the area back to its pre-1981 use: research space.

In late-February, professional library movers will relocate most of the main circulating book collection to the Library Service Center (LSC) at the Falmouth Technology Park. “The Library will keep recent books—those published within the last five years—in a newly reconfigured space in the Bay Reading Room. Our circulation data show that these books are in the highest demand.” says Cathy Norton, Director of the MBLWHOI Library. “Older books housed at the LSC will be available the next business day. Library staff will retrieve requested books Monday through Friday and deliver them to the Village or WHOI Quissett campus.”

“As the number of print resources available to libraries declines, it becomes critical that collections and services are continually and systematically reviewed with an eye towards keeping them aligned with the mission of the organization, needs of the patrons, and emerging trends,” says Cathy.

In the past three years the MBLWHOI Library has moved to primarily delivering information to its patrons online and now purchases most of its journals in digital format. “Our statistics on usage patterns indicate that this is the preferred method of gathering information by the Woods Hole community,” Cathy notes. “Our book collection averages 400 transactions per month, with newer acquisitions in greatest demand. Books with a copyright date older than 20 years have less than a 30% chance of circulating.”

Cathy assures users that the Library will monitor retrieval patterns and make adjustments as needed.

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