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Falmouth Forum Series 2003-2004

Emma's War: A True Story of Love and Death
October 10, 2003 - Lillie Auditorium, 7:30 PM. Lectures are free and open to the public.

Award-winning journalist and author Deborah Scroggins will talk about her book, Emma's War: an Aid Worker, a Warlord, Radical Islam and the Politics of Oil - A True Story of Love and Death. Through the story of aid worker Emma McCune, Scroggins explores such issues as the moral dilemmas facing humanitarian aid workers, the rise of radical Islam and the role that oil and other natural resources play in Africa's civil wars. Winner of the Ron Ridenhour Award for best book of 2002, Emma's War is slated to be become a motion picture directed by Tony Scott and starring Nicole Kidman.

A buffet dinner precedes each lecture at 6:00 pm, in the Swope Dining Room. Tickets for the dinners must be purchased in advance. For more information, contact the MBL Communications Office at: (508) 289-7423 or