SES Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series
Global Land Use Practices are Undermining Ecosystem Services and Human Health
Jon Foley University of Wisconsin
3:00 PM Lillie Auditorium
Jon Foley is the Director of the Climate, People and Environment Program (CPEP) at the University of Wisconsin. He also holds the Reid A. Bryson Distin-guished Professorship at the Institute for Environ-mental Studies (IES) and the Department. of Atmos-pheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University.
Foleys work focuses on the dynamics of global environmental systems, interactions between climate and the biosphere, and their effects on human society. His research emphasizes the use of computer models to analyze and simulate changes in climate, global ecosystems and natural resources and has contributed to our understanding of the global carbon cycle and the feedbacks between vegetation and the atmosphere. Recent work has explored how changing land use affects climate and water resources across the planet.
Foley grew up in Bangor Maine, and earned his doctoral degree in Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Wisconsin in 1993. He serves on the editorial board of the journal Climate Change, is on the Scientific Steering Committee for Interagency Carbon Cycle Science of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, the American Geophysical Unions Committee on Global Environmental Change, and numerous advisory committees to NASA. He has received many academic awards, including a National Science Foundation Career Development grant (1995) Presidential Early Career Development Award for scientists and engineers sponsored by NASA (1997), the University of Wisconsin Vilas Faculty Associate Award (1999-2001) and Romnes Facutly Fellowship (2000-01), as well as a S.J. Johnson Distinguished Faculty Fellowship (2001-04). He was also selected as an Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellow in 2000-2001. He has developed a strong interest in energy conservation and is working with scientists, engineers, policy makers and entrepreneurs to develop real-world solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Foley, J.A. et al. (submitted). Global land-use practices are undermining ecosystem services and human health. Nature.
DeFreis, R.S., J.A. Foley and G.P. Asner (2004). Land-use choices: balancing human needs and ecosystem function. Frontiers in Ecology 2(5):249-257.