SES Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series
Eutrophication History of Chesapeake Bay
Walter Boynton University of Maryland
3:00 PM Whitman Auditorium
Walter Boynton is professor at the University of Marylands Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies at the Chesa-peake Biological Laboratory. Since 1992 he has also been a fellow at the Maryland International Institute for Ecological Economics. Boynton received his BA in Biology from Springfield College in 1969, his MS at the University of North Carolina in 1974 and Ph.D, studying under the renowned H.T. Odum at the University of Florida in1975
Dr. Boyntons research examines factors controlling primary productivity and nutrient over-enrichment in coastal ecosystems. In addition to advancing our understanding the consequences of external N and P loading to estuaries, his research has revealed the importance of benthic-pelagic coupling and residence time to nutrient processing and recycling.
Boynton has been involved crafting solutions to nutrient loading and other pollution problems for the Chesapeake Bay system, one of the largest estuarine ecosystems in North America. From 1983-2001, he participated in development of Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program. He has also served on the Maryland Governor's Oil Spill Prevention Advisory Commission. Since 1986 he as served as a member of the Calvert County Zoning Board. In 2000, he was awarded the University of Maryland President's Award for Excellence in Applied Science.
Suggested Readings:
Boynton, W.R., J.H. Garber, R. Summers and W.M. Kemp. 1995. Input, transformations and transport of nitrogen and phosphorus in Chesapeake Bay and selected tributaries. Estuaries 18(1B):285-314.
Hagy, James D., W.R. Boynton, C.W. Keefe, K.V. Wood (2004). Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay, 1950-2001: Long-term change in relation to nutrient loading and river flow. Estuaries 27:634-659.