Cirino et al., Laboratory Culture of the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis(L.):
A Model System For Molecular Developmental Biology Research

Table of Contents:

Title Page

I. Introduction

A.  Background
B.  Ciona as a model organism

II. Methods for obtaining embryos and larvae

A.  Obtaining gametes
   1.  Eggs
   2.  Sperm
B.  Fertilization procedures and embryo culture
C.  Handling larvae

III.  Culture of metamorphic and post-metamorphic stages

A.  Settlement of larvae
B.  Metamorphosis

IV.  Experimental setup for culturing juvenile stages

A.  Holding apparatus
B.  Feeding system
C.  Growth control procedures

V.  Acknowledgments

VI.  Literature Cited

VII.  Appendices

VIII. Figures