Cirino et al.: Laboratory culture of Ciona
Appendix 1 : Induced spawning method
Light-induced spawning is a procedure utilized when adults are needed to be kept alive for repeated embryo collection. It is based on the observation that a number of ascidians spawn in response to light following darkness (see Lambert and Brandt, 1967). This method is similar to that successfully utilized for genetic screens (Moody et al., 1999; Nakatami et al., 1999).
- Select gravid individuals by their full oviducts (observed by organism transparency).
- Place these animals under continuous illumination (until the dark adaptation period, next step) to prevent spontaneous spawning.
- Place them in the dark for one hour.
- Re-expose animals to light; spawning generally occurs within about 30 min after the onset of illumination.
- Remove the animals and collect gametes. Use a single animal per vessel for self-fertilization. Use more animals (2 or more) per vessel for cross-fertilization.